Purpose quiz

Congratulations, if you’ve found yourself here, the wonderful news is that even if you are feeling a semblance of overwhelm, anxiety or apathy because of uncertainty about your purpose, you’re in the perfect place.

For the mere fact you are connected to yourself enough to recognise that spiritual niggle -whether it’s a quiet nudge that whispers ‘There must be more than this,’ or a loud bellow of unfulfillment and internal conflict, it’s beautiful.
For you are here and therefore ready to respond to the call…

The following questions will help guide you to a space where you can begin to connect with a community of like minds and a guide (me!) - who will support you in stepping courageously into becoming more of who you already are, embracing your calling and expressing it in the world.

Stripped back is where we meet ourselves, so let’s begin.

Select the statement closest to how your current reality feels. And remember, there is no wrong answer!

1.Which statement best describes your current reality?

2.How established/consistent is your self care spiritual practise?

3.How connected do you feel to others?

4.Which statement is most true for you?

5.Everything you’ve experienced in your life thus far. The challenges, the successes and the joys, has positioned you perfectly for who you are here to be.

Which of the below is most true in relation to this statement?

6.What do you value most?
(All may feel important but if you had to select one as a priority which would you choose?)

7.The purpose journey is one of self-responsibility. At this time how willing are you to take full responsibility for your life?

8.The prospect of being visible – of being seen - makes me feel…

9.If you were to be supported in living more purposefully in a particular area of your life which would feel like the priority?

10.Investing in ourselves can feel unfamiliar if we are used to deprioritising our dreams. What level of investment are you comfortable making?